Book Design
In the world of books it's what's inside that counts, but it's what's outside that sells. I can work with you to create a cover that sets your book apart from the countless others on the shelves and an interior design that invites your readers to fully experience the ideas and images you hope to convey. I love working on children's books and most of my book design experience has been in this category. However, I welcome invitations to work on books in any genre, especially travel books, photograpy and design books, and literary fiction.
Books Plus: Calendars, Kits & Gift Packages
How do you create a calendar that teaches someone to paint with watercolors and gives them all of the information and supplies they need in one small, easy-to-shelve box? These are the kinds of challenging questions designers of innovative products such as calendars, kits, gift packages and other “books plus” products face. After working almost five years for the creators of some of the most unique and interactive page-a-day calendars on the market and another for an innovative children's publisher, I am prepared to help you answer these questions. I love to work on projects that present the unexpected, that require an open and creative mind and a combination of practical and experimental instincts.
Catalog Design
Producing a catalog can be a tedious business—gathering information, resizing images, checking and rechecking isbns. But I think of it like designing an aircraft carrier, the workhorse vessel that will deploy all of your labors into the hands of readers and buyers. I consider the design of a catalog an important assignment and can manage the layout and design of an engaging frontlist, backlist, index, table of contents, and cover for your upcoming catalog.

Logo Design and Company Identity Packages
For new businesses who need a unique, original logo and identity or for companies who have grown tired of a worn-out look, I can build a print-ready package of logos, letterhead, business cards, brochures, and banners or I can create individual items as needed.

Digital Illustration
Learning digital illustration has been one of the great pleasures and surprises of my work in the bookmaking business. I am not an illustrator or artist by background, but in the spirit of doing what it takes to get the job done, I have had the chance to learn to use programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create art to fit the designs I want to make when it is not available elsewhere.