About me and my work:

My introduction to the world of books was probably the imaginative retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears by my sister, less than three years old at the time, in a private performance to me in my crib. Old recordings my parents kept bear evidence (primarily exuberant babbling) that I indeed enjoyed the story. My entry into the world of book publishing came much later when I began a college internship with the charming Auer family who run The Bloomsbury Review of Books in my hometown, Denver, Colorado. After a few months of wandering happily among piles of review copies and learning to wield the red pencil I was hooked.

Working primarily for small, independent publishers who always have more work than people to do it has given me the opportunity to fill many roles in the publishing process, including research, writing, proofreading, copyediting, design, production, and project management. I like being part of the collaborative process of bookmaking, in whichever role is most needed or the best fit for my skills and experience. Most importantly, the goal of my work is to make significant contributions to exceptional finished books and products that each collaborator can be proud of. I believe successful artistic pursuits are driven by strong concepts and it is the job of both a designer and an editor to maintain the strength of a book concept throughout the production process. I have been working independently on freelance and contract projects since 2007.