Research and Writing
Like most people who work in the bookmaking industry, I love to read and write. I also like learning about new things. I have had the opportunity to research, write about, and edit a variety of interesting topics including tornadoes, chupacabras, spiral galaxies, Picasso's wives, knitting, bog bodies, kite-flying and the etymology of words like 'swashbuckler'. When it comes to writing and research, there is no project too boring or weird. Feel free to send me inquiries about research or writing projects on any subject and in any format, including articles, trivia, rhymes, instructions, brochures, reviews, and, of course, books.
Every book needs a bit of energetic copy to help it fall into the hands of its intended audiences. I can assist you with jacket copy, catalog copy, publicity copy, and more while designing your book or for a separate project.
I will correct typographical errors, misspellings, style and grammar errors, format inconsistency, and check for general accuracy. I will follow any style sheet you submit or indicate. The Chicago Manual of Style is my default reference for grammar and style. I can correct a mailed physical copy or can mark changes and make comments on PDF documents. I will be happy to mark and return a couple of sample pages at no cost before you commit a project to me.
Typesetting and Page Layout
Perhaps you already have all the pieces ready to go—corrected and finalized content, resized and color-corrected images. All you need now is someone to put the pieces together. I can prepare your book, article, newsletter, brochure, or other documents for print using Adobe InDesign or Quark Express and can submit finished documents in a variety of formats, including a print-ready PDF file.
Book Packaging and Project Management
If you are looking for someone to take your project from start to finish, including correspondence with authors, illustrators, agents, printers, and other contributers, I have worked as a project manager and also have experience as a managing editor. Contact me to discuss any ideas you need help developing.
Gallery of Writing Samples